Learn more about nature: Tusks – why are they so expensive?

16.01.2024 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

People hunt animals not only because it's a hobby – they can get meat, fur, skin, and other valuable things from hunting.

You've probably heard that some people hunt elephants and rhinos for their tusks – it's often illegal and extremely cruel.

Let's find out why these tusks are so valuable.

Rare Species

Firstly, tusks are obtained from animals such as elephants and rhinoceroses, which are rare and protected species. 

This scarcity makes tusks valuable because there are limited numbers available in the market.


Ivory Value

Secondly, tusks are composed of ivory, a highly prized material. 

Ivory has unique properties that make it desirable for various purposes, including the creation of intricate carvings, jewelry, and decorative items. 

Its aesthetic appeal and cultural significance contribute to its high demand and, consequently, its elevated price.

High Demands

Thirdly, there exists a significant demand for ivory products in certain regions of the world. 

This demand fuels the market and drives up prices. 

Some individuals are willing to pay substantial amounts to acquire ivory possessions, leading to an increase in its value.

Strict Rules

Moreover, stringent regulations and laws have been enacted to protect these vulnerable animals and restrict the trade of ivory. 

These regulations aim to combat illegal poaching and promote conservation efforts. 

However, these restrictions also limit the legal supply of tusks, making them even more scarce and elevating their price further.

Previously, we talked about the animals who can tolerate cold temperatures.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Rare Species
  2. Ivory Value
  3. High Demands
  4. Strict Rules