Learn more about nature: Why you aren't allowed to feed zoo animals

18.01.2024 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

In most zoos, you aren't allowed to feed any animals, especially if you want to give them some food you bring with you.

While visitors often just want to interact with an animal and make it happy, it might be actually pretty damaging to it.

Here are a few reasons why feeding zoo animals isn't a great idea.

Health and Safety

Zoo animals have carefully planned diets designed by experts to ensure they receive the right nutrients for their health. 

Feeding them food that is not part of their diet can lead to health issues and digestive problems. 


It's crucial to protect their well-being by not giving them anything that could harm them.

Potential Harmful Substances

Feeding animals from outside sources can introduce harmful substances or germs that may make them sick. 

Some foods that are safe for humans can be toxic to animals. 

To prevent any harm, it's important to avoid giving them food that could have negative effects on their health.

Maintaining Natural Behaviors

Zoo animals require mental and physical stimulation to stay healthy. 

They have scheduled feeding times and activities planned by zookeepers to provide them with the necessary enrichment. 

When visitors feed the animals, it disrupts their regular routines and makes it challenging for zookeepers to provide proper care.

Dependency on Humans

Feeding animals can create dependence on humans for food. 

It's essential for animals to maintain their natural behaviors and instincts, even in captivity. 

When they rely on people for food, they may lose these skills, which can impact their ability to survive if they were to be released into the wild.

Previously, we talked about lions.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Health and Safety
  2. Potential Harmful Substances
  3. Maintaining Natural Behaviors
  4. Dependency on Humans