Lions: Interesting Facts – Amazing Nature

16.01.2024 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

In nature, on average, a lion lives about fifteen years.

In captivity, on average, a lion lives more than twenty years.

What can a lion do

Lions can accelerate to 80 km/h, but they cannot maintain this speed for long.

Lions can jump 11 m in length. Lions live in prides of up to 15 individuals.

The main responsibility of males is to defend the territory, while females care for the offspring and hunt.


The lifestyle of lions is atypical for big cats. Lions live in large family groups - prides.

Mainly females hunt and look after the cubs, while males guard the territory.

Fights for females often end in the death of the defending male or challenger.

The lion holds the record for the highest shoulder height among all cats.

The largest subspecies of lion and tiger are roughly comparable in weight.

Lions have powerful legs, strong jaws, and fangs are 8 cm long, so these predators are capable of killing quite large animals.

Paleontologists have described a new genus and species of giant land predators, reported in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

The “great lions of Africa,” as the animals were called, lived about 22 million years ago and were among the largest mammalian predators.

What do lions eat

The lion is a predator, feeding on fairly large animals: deer, wild boar, antelope, zebra, buffalo, giraffe, and livestock.

In rare cases, the animal may attack a hippopotamus or small elephant.

Previously, we talked about laboratory mice.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What can a lion do
  2. What do lions eat