The most dangerous shark attack: Learn more about a terrifying case from history

20.06.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

While sharks don't attack people really often, it sometimes happens - just like in that one case in 1945.

According to Live Science, that day was the day when the most terrifying shark attack happened.

Let's find out more.

What happened?

During World War II, the sinking of the USS Indianapolis led to one of the worst shark attacks in history. 

After delivering components for the atomic bomb, the ship was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine, leaving around 900 men adrift in the open ocean. 


Many died from exposure, dehydration, and saltwater poisoning, while an estimated 150 sailors fell victim to sharks. 

Why did they attack?

The sharks were attracted by the vibrations and movements of the men in the water. 

Opportunistic oceanic whitetip sharks were likely involved in the attacks. 

Feeding frenzies ensued, and the survivors were too afraid to eat or move. 

Four days later, rescue arrived, and only 316 men survived. It remains a tragic chapter in history.

It doesn't happen too often

Recent data indicates a decline in both fatal and non-fatal shark bites, reflecting positive short-term trends. 

Considering the vast number of people engaging in aquatic activities, the overall incidence of unprovoked shark bites remains remarkably low. 

This decline in fatalities can be attributed to improved beach safety measures, advancements in medical care, and increased public awareness.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. What happened?
  2. Why did they attack?
  3. It doesn't happen too often