Pet owner's tips: These pets aren't for everyone – especially if you have kids

02.01.2024 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Pets can be quite beneficial for your child's development, learning them how to be careful, caring, and attentive.

Meanwhile, some pets can be quite unsafe, or simply not suitable for families with kids.

Here are a few examples of pets you shouldn't get if you have a kid.


Reptiles like snakes, lizards, or turtles may not be suitable for families with young children. 

They require specific care, such as maintaining proper temperature and humidity levels, which can be challenging for kids to handle.


Fragile or small pets

Pets that are delicate or very small, such as hamsters, gerbils, or birds, may not be ideal for families with young children. 

Young kids may unintentionally handle them roughly and cause harm to the pet.

Exotic pets

Exotic pets like monkeys, large reptiles, or wild animals are generally not recommended for families with children. 

They often have complex needs, pose safety risks, and may not adapt well to a domestic environment.

High-energy and large dog breeds

Some dog breeds are very energetic and require a lot of exercise and attention. 

Families with young children may find it challenging to meet the exercise needs of these dogs, which can lead to behavioral problems.

Pets with allergies

Some children may have allergies to certain types of pets, such as cats or dogs. 

It's important to consider any potential allergies within the family before deciding on a pet.

Previously, we talked about kittens attacking feet.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Reptiles
  2. Fragile or small pets
  3. Exotic pets
  4. High-energy and large dog breeds
  5. Pets with allergies