Pet zoomies: Learn more about your pet's habits

29.09.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Have you ever seen your cat or dog running around the house like crazy with no visible reason?

If the answer is yes, then you've witnessed zoomies - a funny habit that both cats and dogs share.

Let's find out what it is and why it happens.

What are "zoomies"?

"Zoomies" is a cute and fun word for when pets, like cats and dogs, suddenly start running around like crazy. 

They might dash around the house or yard, jump, spin, and act really hyper for a short period of time.

happy dog

Pets have zoomies for a few reasons, so let's look closely at them.

Release of Energy

Sometimes, pets have lots of pent-up energy that they haven't used up through their usual activities like walking or playing. 

Zoomies let them release that extra energy.


Just like how humans sometimes get the urge to be silly and playful, pets also have moments when they want to have fun and playfully run around.

Happiness and Excitement

Pets can get excited or happy about something, like when you come home from work or they see a new toy. 

Zoomies can be a way for them to express their joy.

Hunting Instincts

Cats, in particular, have a strong hunting instinct. Sometimes, their zoomies mimic the movements of stalking prey, even if it's just a toy.


Overall, zoomies are a normal and healthy behavior for pets. They're a way for them to let loose, have some fun, and burn off extra energy.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. What are "zoomies"?
  2. Release of Energy
  3. Playfulness
  4. Happiness and Excitement
  5. Hunting Instincts
  6. Conclusion