The smartest apes: Learn more about the most intelligent kinds

30.06.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

People already know that monkeys are extremely intelligent animals, who often act pretty much human-like.

Some of them can use tools and even communicate with sign language.

But what are the smartest kinds of apes?


Chimpanzees are often considered the smartest of the non-human apes. 

They have been observed displaying a wide range of complex behaviors, problem-solving skills, and tool usage. 


Chimpanzees can learn to communicate using sign language or symbols, recognize themselves in a mirror (indicating self-awareness), and exhibit social behaviors such as cooperation, empathy, and even strategic deception.


Orangutans are highly intelligent apes known for their problem-solving abilities. 

They exhibit advanced cognitive skills, including tool use and construction, and have been observed using leaves as umbrellas and sponges to collect water. 

Orangutans also display long-term memory and have the ability to plan and anticipate future events.


Gorillas exhibit complex social behaviors and have been observed using tools in the wild. 

Additionally, gorillas in captivity have been taught sign language and have demonstrated the ability to communicate with humans.


Bonobos are closely related to chimpanzees and share many of their cognitive abilities.

Bonobos have been observed resolving conflicts through social bonding and sexual behavior, and they have displayed problem-solving skills in various experiments.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Chimpanzees
  2. Orangutans
  3. Gorillas
  4. Bonobos