Veterinarian's Opinion: Is It Safe to Give Your Dog Apples

27.06.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Proper nutrition of a pet is the key to good health and a long life. In the article you will learn whether it is possible to feed dogs with apples.

Are apples safe for dogs

Apples are a safe and delicious treat for your pet. However, it is important to properly prepare the fruit before giving it to an animal.

The apple must be washed, peeled, pitted and core removed and cut into small pieces.

In addition, apples can be given to puppies. For example, use as a treat while learning commands or tricks.

However, you need to carefully introduce the puppy to the apple so that indigestion does not happen. Try to give a small piece and observe how the dog feels.

Photo: Pixabay

Benefits of apples for dogs

Apples are rich in fiber and vitamins. For example, vitamin A, C, calcium, phosphorus, antioxidants.

However, a few small pieces of fruit will suffice for a dog.

Vegetables and fruits should not exceed 10% of your dog's total diet.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Are apples safe for dogs
  2. Benefits of apples for dogs