Why Cats Purr: It's Not Always a Sign of Pleasure

10.04.2023 15:42
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Cats start purring when they are small. In addition to happiness, purring can mean other things. Some facts will surprise you.


While purring is usually a signal of happiness for a cat, it can sometimes signal stress.

When an animal is stressed, purring is a way to calm down.

Scientists have also noticed that cats purr next to the sick or injured animal.

Way of communication

Another function of purring is non-verbal communication.

Photo: Pixabay

With the help of instinctive purring, deaf and blind kittens communicate with their mother.

This is how kittens signal, that they are hungry or need attention.

This habit then carries over into adulthood to inform the owner of their needs.


It is true that your pet purrs if he is happy and satisfied.

Cats make a well-known sound, most often when they are relaxed and happy.

For example, a cat purrs when it sleeps next to you or gets its favorite treat.

Inner Healing

The most impressive function of purring is its healing properties.

Purring sounds on low-frequency vibrations with a frequency of 25 and 150 Hz. 

Sounds at this frequency are considered a natural healing mechanism. For example, purring can help relieve pain, heal wounds, and rebuild bones.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Stress
  2. Way of communication
  3. Happiness
  4. Inner Healing