You shouldn't use wooden litter for rats: Natural doesn't always mean good

17.07.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

If you have a pet rat, then you should know not to use wooden litter for it.

While wooden litter might seem like a natural and eco-friendly option for pet rats, it is generally not recommended for several reasons.

Let's find out more.


Wooden litter, such as sawdust or wood shavings, tends to be less absorbent compared to other types of bedding. 

Rats produce a fair amount of urine, and inadequate absorbency can lead to a damp and unsanitary environment, which may cause discomfort and health issues for the rats.


Dust and Respiratory Problems

Wood-based bedding can produce a significant amount of dust and small particles. 

These particles can irritate the respiratory system of rats, potentially leading to respiratory problems like allergies, sneezing, or even more severe conditions like respiratory infections.

Splintering and Ingestion

Rats are notorious chewers, and wood shavings or chips from wooden litter can splinter easily. 

If rats chew on the bedding, they may accidentally ingest the splinters, which can cause internal injuries or blockages in their digestive system.


Certain types of wood can be toxic to rats. 

For example, cedar and pine woods contain aromatic oils that can release harmful fumes and cause respiratory issues. 

Even if the wood itself is not toxic, it may have been treated or come into contact with chemicals or pesticides that could be harmful to your pet rats.

Difficulty in Spotting Health Issues

Wooden bedding can make it challenging to spot signs of illness in rats. 

The color of wood shavings can hide potential indicators of health problems, such as changes in urine color or the presence of blood. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Absorbency
  2. Dust and Respiratory Problems
  3. Splintering and Ingestion
  4. Toxicity
  5. Difficulty in Spotting Health Issues