

Soaking bulgur before cooking is a common practice and can improve its texture and overall cooking process.  Soaking bulgur before cooking helps to rehydrate and soften the grains, making them more palatable and reducing the cooking time.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking tips grains Cooking 30 August 2023

Whole bulgur is wheat that has been hulled but not yet crushed; used for pilaf, soup, stuffed vegetables, salads, as a side dish. In the article, you will learn about the health benefits of cereals.

Diana Dashkevich health healthy food facts cooking Cooking 16 July 2023

Bulgur is a pretty healthy option for those who want their diets to be healthy and versatile. But it's not the only reason to eat it - it's also delicious when cooked properly.

Kate Yakimchuk grains healthy food healthy diet Cooking 11 July 2023

Bulgur is a healthy gran that can be delicious on its own, or added to soups and other dishes. Though it seems that it's pretty easy to cook it right, you can still make some mistakes, and the grain will be hard and unpleasant to eat.

Kate Yakimchuk grains cooking mistakes cooking tips Cooking 8 June 2023