

Modern nutritional recommendations include milk and dairy products - yoghurt, cheese and cottage cheese - as sources of complete protein. This means that they contain the entire set of essential amino acids: this is the name given to those amino acids that are not synthesized in the human body and must be supplied with food.

Diana Dashkevich dairy food milk health Cooking 7 October 2023

Hard grainy cheese with a rich, piquant flavor with a slight nutty undertone. Grana Padano typically has a milder, butterier flavor.

Diana Dashkevich food health Cooking 4 October 2023

This variety is classified as brine cheese because it is ripened and stored in brine and does not have the usual hard crust. Soft Italian cheese is made from buffalo or cow's milk.

Diana Dashkevich food health food facts Cooking 26 September 2023

Camembert and Brie are both soft, creamy, and delicious French cheeses that are often confused due to their similar appearance and texture.  However, there are subtle differences between the two that can help you distinguish them.

Kate Yakimchuk brie camembert food Cooking 29 August 2023

If you love different kinds of cheese, then you should definitely try Camembert. It's one of the most popular and delicious kinds of cheese that has plenty of benefits in terms of taste and texture.

Kate Yakimchuk camembert food Cooking 28 August 2023

Unlike spicy and rich parmesan, mozzarella has a delicate creamy taste. Mozzarella is a soft cheese with a fresh milky taste that does not clog, but emphasizes the taste of the rest of the ingredients of the dish.

Diana Dashkevich food health food facts Cooking 26 August 2023

Gorgonzola Dolce is a more delicate, spreadable, slightly sweet cheese with subtle notes of bitterness and a nutty aftertaste. Gorgonzola Piccante is a denser cheese with a bright piquant taste and enveloping spicy moldy aroma.

Diana Dashkevich healthy food food facts Cooking 26 August 2023

The taste of the cheese is moderately spicy, spicy with straw notes and a bright characteristic aroma, the texture is soft, almost creamy with mold streaks. If such cheese smells not of mushrooms, but of ammonia, then its expiration date has expired or storage conditions have been violated.

Diana Dashkevich health food facts Cooking 21 August 2023

Young brie cheese has a sweet and salty creamy taste. Ripe cheese acquires sharpness, nutty and mushroom notes. The moldy crust has an ammonia aroma.

Diana Dashkevich food health Cooking 20 August 2023

Young Camembert, ripening up to 20 days, has a delicate sweet air-milky taste, more mature cheese (after 21 days of aging) is saturated with full, bright fruit tones with hints of milk, nuts, mushrooms, grass; the consistency of the cheese is elastic, elastic, spreadable with a thin crust.

Diana Dashkevich healthy food food facts Cooking 20 August 2023

The severity of lactose intolerance varies among individuals, and some people may be able to tolerate small amounts of lactose without experiencing symptoms. 

Sergey Tumanov facts dish health Cooking 19 August 2023

Goat's milk has a higher concentration of specific fatty acids but less protein than cow's milk. These acids give goat cheese its signature tangy flavor, while the reduced amount of milk protein makes it soft and creamy in texture.

Diana Dashkevich health healthy food food facts Cooking 19 August 2023
milk and cheese

The ability to drink milk or consume dairy products depends on an individual's lactose tolerance.  Lactose is the primary sugar found in milk, and its digestion requires an enzyme called lactase, which breaks down lactose into simpler sugars for absorption. 

Kate Yakimchuk milk lactose Cooking 3 August 2023
cheese plate

The healthiness of cheese depends on various factors, including the type of cheese, portion size, and individual dietary needs.  If you're not sure whether to add cheese in your healthy diet, then you should know about the potential cons of eating a lot of it.

Kate Yakimchuk health dieting Cooking 2 August 2023
pizza cheese

Adding cheese to a dish can enhance its flavor, texture, and overall appeal.  The ideal time to add cheese depends on the type of dish you're preparing and the specific cheese you're using. 

Kate Yakimchuk cooking tips pizza pasta Cooking 24 July 2023

Cheese is a food product in the form of a solid or semi-solid mass, prepared from milk fermented in a special way.

Diana Dashkevich food health vitamins food facts Cooking 23 July 2023

The storage duration of frozen cheese depends on the type and texture of the cheese.  Generally, most cheeses can be frozen for several months without significant quality loss, but the specific storage time can vary. 

Kate Yakimchuk food storage freezing Cooking 20 July 2023

Feta is a soft Greek cheese that has a creamy and salty taste. In the article you will learn about the beneficial properties of cheese and how to eat it. 

Diana Dashkevich health vitamins facts Cooking 26 June 2023

People sometimes think that cheese is anything but healthy, but they are wrong. An article published on the National Library of Medicine says that cheese can actually be pretty beneficial for your health.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food healthy diet research Cooking 23 June 2023

Blue cheese is a product that people love very much or find absolutely disgusting - nothing in between. Its distinct taste and distinct smell is not for everyone, but many people still find it delicious.

Kate Yakimchuk food healthy food Cooking 3 June 2023