Add this simple ingredient to the cheesecakes: the dish will become much tastier

17.04.2022 11:15

Cheesecakes is a standard morning dish for tea.

Many people love this dish not only because of its pleasant taste, but also because of the simplicity of cooking.

It is very easy to get the ingredients for cheesecakes. All products are quite affordable: these are cottage cheese, flour, egg, butter, sugar and salt.

However, experienced chefs recommend not to be limited to a standard set of components.

Sometimes it makes sense to conduct an "experiment" and add a new and unexpected ingredient to the dish - a banana.

Foto: Pixabay

If everything is done correctly, then the dish will only benefit from this. It will acquire additional sweetness, softness and nutritional value.

The recipe for cheesecakes with a "secret"

Firstly you need to wipe the curd component. Half a kilo of the product is "passed" through a sieve.

Next, 100 grams of flour, raw egg and 1 tsp baking powder are sent to the resulting tender mass.

The mixture needs to be salted. You should also add sugar to it - no more than 100 grams.

And the finishing touch - three bananas turned into "mush" should be put as a basis for future cheesecakes.

After careful mixing, you will get a mass from which you need to form several cottage cheese "washers".

Then everything is done as in the preparation of ordinary cheesecakes.

The base is sent to a hot frying pan, warmed up until golden on both sides, after which it is fried under the lid for another couple of minutes.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource