How to cook pies that don't get stale: grandma's trick

18.04.2022 11:15

Homemade backings are often spoiled by one circumstance – it gets stale too quickly.

In just a day, fresh pies or buns can become hard as a stone.

This happens if you knead the dough and bake pies, knowing only their recipe. But every dish has a secret besides the recipe.

We will tell you how to bake pies that do not get stale.

Note that even baking on yeast dough is getting stale, and in order for this not to happen, you need to add starch to the dough.

Foto: Pixabay

You can use both corn and potato starch.

Thanks to this trick, the dough turns out juicy and soft, and outwardly the buns will look more appetizing.

Life hack is suitable for yeast and yeast-free dough, for baking in the oven and frying pies in a frying pan.

How to cook

Firstly you need to mix warm milk with yeast and sugar and leave it to ferment.

Then vegetable oil and eggs are added.

The flour is mixed with starch and sifted, after which a homogeneous dough is kneaded, which is then left to infuse under a food film in a warm place.

Important thing! All ingredients should be at room temperature.

Any filling for pies and buns can be used.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource