Kefir (traditional fermented dairy in Russia and CIS) dough: a little secret to make pirozhki as fluffy as yeast

25.03.2022 15:15

Piroshky - Small Russian pastries filled with finely chopped meat, vegetables or fruit baked or fried. WT. small fruit or meat turnover baked or fried.

The disadvantage of yeast dough is the considerable duration of its preparation: you need to wait until the yeast "earns".

For this reason, many housewives prepare dough for fried piroshky without the use of a yeast component.

However, because of this, the dish may not turn out lush. However, this characteristic is important for a flour dish.

You can achieve fluffing without yeast. To do this, you need to prepare the dough on kefir in a special way.

Foto: Pixabay

How to make dough for fluffy piroshky

First, pour the flour passed through a sieve into a deep container. It will take three glasses of free-flowing component.

Next, butter is used. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly.

Now you need to prepare another bowl. Sent there a beaten raw egg and kefir. Salt the mixture. In addition, you cannot do without sugar and vegetable oil.

After that, the egg-kefir liquid is gradually poured into the oil-flour mass.

At the next stage, you need to add a little more sifted flour. A rather dense dough will come out, from which incredibly soft and airy fried piroshky will cook.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource