The main mistakes in the preparation of eggs are named: everyone makes them

25.04.2022 18:15
Updated: 09.04.2023 01:26

Gourmets claim that boiled eggs are delicious, but they are cooked as usual. This happens because of the mistakes that are made in every home.

In order to please your taste buds, regardless of whether you believe hard-boiled eggs or poached eggs, you need to listen to these tips.

Hard boiled

Cracked eggshells, placing them in boiling water or cleaning them from the shell in cold form can spoil the taste of eggs.

To enjoy the taste of boiled eggs, you need to put them not in boiling water, but in cold water. They are cooked over low heat.

Soft - boiled

Chicken eggs for soft-boiled cooking or for a medium degree are put in boiling water.

Foto: Pixabay

In any case, the countdown starts from the moment the water boils.

Poached eggs

In this case, you can not add vinegar to the water, you can not cook eggs in a shallow bowl, in boiling water and cook stale eggs.

After breaking the egg into a bowl, it is slowly poured into boiling water. It should sink to the bottom, and then slowly rise up.

Poached egg is boiled for no more than 3-4 minutes and only one at a time.

The finished eggs are extracted with a slotted spoon and laid out on a paper towel.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Hard boiled
  2. Soft - boiled
  3. Poached eggs