When to add cabbage to borscht: a mistake made by inexperienced housewives

27.03.2022 11:15

The ability to cook delicious and rich borscht comes with experience.

Novice housewives while cooking may make some mistakes that affect the appearance or taste of this soup.

Quite often, inexperienced cooks argue about when exactly cabbage should be added to the dish so that it is soft, but not overcooked.

The vegetables must be added in the correct order.

Knowledgeable housewives recommend adding a vegetable to the pan 10-15 minutes after the potatoes.

Foto: Pixabay

However, it is important to remember that much depends on the age of the cabbage and its variety.

Some housewives add it in just 5 or 10 minutes before the dish is ready. This can be done if the vegetable is young and soft.

If the vegetable is old, then it should be cooked for about 15 minutes.

The fact is that a young and fresh vegetable is cooked quickly, but if you overexpose it on fire, it will begin to crunch on your teeth.

Only after the cabbage, frying and other ingredients are added to the pan.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource