Why the casserole falls off after baking: an annoying mistake

17.04.2022 15:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 23:24

A lush curd casserole is a great treat for tea. You can serve it with various berries, fruits or syrups. 

At the same time, it turns out not only an appetizing and delicious dish, but also very useful. 

The main thing is to follow all the rules of cooking in order to please yourself and your guests with really delicate and airy pastries that will not fall off.

Cottage cheese

Special attention should be paid to cottage cheese. This is the most important ingredient of the dish. 

It needs to be beaten well. At the same time, it should not be too wet and greasy. Excess moisture has a bad effect on the shape.

Foto: Pixabay

For this reason, when cooking, semolina should be used so that the grits take away excess liquid.


One of the main components of the dish is eggs. They should be gently whipped, they can't just be shacked in the bowl.

The more eggs there are in the dough, the higher the casserole will turn out.

The main thing is not to overdo with it, otherwise you will have to eat a cottage cheese omelet.

Dried fruits

Some prefer to add dried fruits to the dough. They go well with cottage cheese, but you should not overdo it. Still, they release excess moisture and make the casserole heavier.

Baking powder

Many people are used to adding baking powder to baking. However, it is not suitable for curd mass. Because of him, the dough will settle quickly.


The casserole should be placed in an already preheated oven. The temperature should not exceed 200 degrees. 

10 minutes before cooking, you need to stick a few toothpicks into the baking.

In addition, it is not advisable to take the dish out of the oven immediately after cooking. It should be infused.

A sharp drop in temperature will only negatively affect the texture.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Cottage cheese
  2. Eggs
  3. Dried fruits
  4. Baking powder
  5. Temperature