dairy products


Camel milk is becoming increasingly popular. We will tell you why there is such interest in the product.

Diana Dashkevich health health facts milk food Cooking 20 May 2024

Dairy is a controversial food. In this article, we will tell you why you should not exclude dairy products from your diet.

Diana Dashkevich food food facts health health facts Cooking 30 March 2024

Dairy products are well-known for going off quickly, so it's always better to eat them quickly. Meanwhile, if you love to stock your food, you still need to keep them fresh for a longer time.

Kate Yakimchuk food storage milk cheese food Cooking 22 January 2024

In a recent experiment, specialists have found that trans-vaccenic acid has the potential to improve the effectiveness of specific immune cells in combating cancer. The specialists have observed that individuals with higher levels of TVA in their blood exhibited better responses to cancer treatments.

Kate Yakimchuk research heart health beef nutrition Cooking 30 December 2023