

It is harmful to eat some foods before bed. Dinner can impair the quality of your sleep.

Diana Dashkevich food health health facts nutrition Cooking 22 May 2024

Eating a healthy dinner is important for your best health. In this article, we will tell you what time is best to choose for dinner.

Diana Dashkevich food health health facts sleep routine Cooking 11 May 2024

Foods can affect the quality of your sleep. In this article, we will tell you that it is better not to eat late in the evening.

Diana Dashkevich nutrition sleep health health facts nutrition facts Cooking 17 April 2024

The key to a cheerful morning is nutrition. In the article we will tell you, what kind of dinner will provide you with energy in the morning.

Diana Dashkevich energy mental health health facts health Psychology 31 March 2024

In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to go to bed on an empty stomach and what is better to eat for dinner.

Diana Dashkevich hunger health health facts nutrition facts Cooking 25 February 2024

When you're tired after work, you often don't want to cook anything complicated - and that's when simple recipes can help! Cooking in an oven is amazing, because you don't have to stir or check your food regularly.

Kate Yakimchuk food oven ideas Cooking 6 November 2023

It's usually challenging for people to keep their diets healthy in fall and winter - it happens even to the best of us. It's especially hard because of holidays, because they often require festive dinners. So, what can you do?

Kate Yakimchuk food health ideas holidays Cooking 29 October 2023

The timing of your dinner in relation to when you go to sleep can have an impact on your digestion, sleep quality, and overall health.  It's generally recommended to allow some time between dinner and bedtime to avoid potential issues. 

Kate Yakimchuk Time health sleep Cooking 16 August 2023

Dinner is just as important a meal as breakfast. In the article we will tell you when it is better to have dinner.

Diana Dashkevich food Time health food facts Cooking 28 July 2023

A dinner party requires certain rules before and after the event. In this article, we will talk about the main and common mistakes at dinner parties.

Diana Dashkevich etiquette friends guests Psychology 30 May 2023

The combination of pasta, seafood and sauce is classic, tasty, satisfying and healthy. Pasta - complex carbohydrates, seafood and cheese - proteins and a source of many useful substances for the body.

Diana Dashkevich pasta recipe cooking Cooking 6 May 2023

The recipe is well suited for both one person and a large company. In this article, we’ll show you how to quickly and easily cook tuna casserole.

Diana Dashkevich casserole recipe cooking Cooking 29 April 2023
macaroni and cheese

Macaroni and cheese is a comfort food for many. In the article, we will talk about a simple and quick recipe for macaroni and cheese for 12 servings.

Diana Dashkevich recipe cooking Cooking 8 April 2023