

Researchers have discovered a Japanese mosasaur that lived 72 million years ago and was as big as a great white shark. This mosasaur had extra-long rear flippers and a long finned tail that likely helped it swim.

Kate Yakimchuk research mosasaur ancient animals Discovery fossils Animals 5 January 2024

Do you know that lots of dinosaurs used to have feathers, just like modern birds? New research has revealed that modern bird feathers are way more similar to ancient dinosaur feathers than scientists once thought.

Kate Yakimchuk research feathers history Animals 6 October 2023
dinosaur skeleton

Lots of kids love reading facts about dinosaurs, but adults often forget them later. Meanwhile, lots of them are pretty curious, so if you used to love dinosaurs when you were a child, then it might be interesting for you to know them.

Kate Yakimchuk history facts nature Animals 21 September 2023