Anthurium: cultivation and care

16.09.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Anthuriums love warmth and do not really like light. 20-25 degrees in summer and 15-18 in winter are the most comfortable temperature for them.

They should be hidden from direct sunlight, as the leaves may turn yellow and curl up. Diffused light, partial shade – that’s it.

How to care for anthurium

For good flowering in spring and summer, keep the anthurium at a temperature of 20–28 °C, and in autumn and winter - from 15 to 17 °C.

Water only with soft, settled or filtered water at room temperature.

Do not allow the soil to become waterlogged. Use a suitable substrate that drains water well and dries quickly.


How many times a week should anthurium be watered

During the summer, Andre's anthurium requires watering twice a week, half a glass of water each time.

Remember to maintain good drainage and mist water throughout the day to increase humidity.

In winter, Anthurium Andre needs watering once a week, in a volume of slightly less than half a glass of water.

Do I need to prune faded anthurium flowers

Remove all spent flowers to the base of the stem, making room for new flowers to appear.

If you notice any diseased leaves, trim them immediately and throw them in the trash.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to care for anthurium
  2. How many times a week should anthurium be watered
  3. Do I need to prune faded anthurium flowers