Araucaria: Growing and Care

16.09.2023 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Most gardeners know Araucaria under the nickname of indoor spruce.

This ancient, relict plant is perhaps the only coniferous crop that can really be grown at home.

What kind of pot is needed for araucaria

Ideally, an unglazed ceramic pot is suitable, through the walls of which it will be easier for the plant to breathe.

When it comes to fertilizing, give preference to complex mineral fertilizers for coniferous plants.

Do not use organic matter for conifers; they do not tolerate it well.


How to grow araucaria

Araucaria needs a well-lit location. At the same time, the plant must be shaded from direct sunlight at home.

Good illumination of the entire crown in winter is no less important than in summer, so it is advisable to use artificial lighting lamps, increasing the daylight hours to 10-12 hours.

The araucaria flower prefers light partial shade and diffused sunlight. In order for the crown of the tree to develop evenly, it must be rotated periodically.

On warm summer days, the “coniferous friend” can be moved to a balcony or windowsill - araucaria loves fresh air.

How often should you water your araucaria

The plant is watered two to three times a week, as the top layer of soil dries.

Araucaria does not like dry air, so it needs to regularly moisten the crown.

Spraying is carried out with warm water daily; it is especially important to carry out this procedure in the summer.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What kind of pot is needed for araucaria
  2. How to grow araucaria
  3. How often should you water your araucaria