Benefits of petrolatum: Gardening advice

08.10.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Learning more about gardening often means learning more about its tools, chemicals, methods, and hacks.

Petrolatum, which is commonly known as petroleum jelly, can be useful in gardening for a simple reason: it helps protect and nourish certain plants and garden tools. 

Let's find out more about it and why it's so beneficial!

Tool Maintenance

Applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly on your gardening tools, such as pruners or shears, can prevent them from rusting. 

It acts as a barrier, keeping moisture away from the metal, which helps your tools last longer and work more effectively.

tree bark

Plant Care

In some cases, you can use petroleum jelly to protect your plants. 

For example, you can apply a small amount to the stems of young plants to create a barrier against crawling insects. 

This can keep bugs like ants or aphids from climbing up and damaging your plants.

Container Gardening

If you have a container garden, you can use petroleum jelly on the rims of your pots. 

This prevents crawling pests, like slugs, from getting into the pots and feasting on your plants.

Bark Protection

In the winter, you can use petroleum jelly to protect tree bark from frost cracks. 

By applying a layer to the bark, you create a barrier that helps to retain moisture and prevents the bark from splitting due to freezing temperatures.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Tool Maintenance
  2. Plant Care
  3. Container Gardening
  4. Bark Protection