Calamondin: Growing and Care

01.01.2024 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The bright orange fruits are not only edible, but also tasty and healthy.

The calamondin fruit is somewhat reminiscent of a tangerine, only its peel is very delicate and can also be eaten.

When does calamondin start to bloom

Calamondin blooms from March with a strong aroma.

The fruits ripen from November, but from this time they can be left on the tree for another three to six months.

How to grow calamondin

The optimal place for calamondin will be a well-lit, spacious room where high ceilings will not impede the growth of the plant throughout the year.


In its final form, the calamondin can reach a meter in height, so it will need a lot of free space.

How to care for Citrus calamondin

Humidity and watering. Calamondin does not tolerate dry climates, so it is important to spray the crown daily, as well as regularly ventilate the room with the plant.

Additionally, you can use room humidifiers and water the citrus tree properly.

Watering Calamondin is carried out with warm water.

What water to water calamondin

Watering - For watering, use exclusively soft water (filtered, boiled or standing for 2-3 days) due to the fact that the plant does not tolerate alkalization of the soil.

The temperature of the irrigation water should be room temperature or several degrees higher.

In summer, watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries.

Previously, we talked about how to grow asparagus.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. When does calamondin start to bloom
  2. How to grow calamondin
  3. How to care for Citrus calamondin
  4. What water to water calamondin