Expert Advice: How to Grow Juniper

20.07.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

Juniper is a beautiful evergreen tree with a pleasant aroma. In the article we will tell you how to grow a tree in your garden.

How and where to plant juniper

It is better to plant in a well-lit sunny place, but with light shading in the hottest time of the day, especially tall bushes and trees. Then the needles of the plants will be brighter. For undersized and creeping species, you can choose a site in a small penumbra.

The soil

Junipers prefer slightly acidic to neutral soil. Plant juniper with a clod of earth, being careful not to damage the root system. After planting, water the plant abundantly for a week. When planting, be sure to pay attention that the root neck is not buried.


The Common Juniper tree needs water the most during the summer months when the weather is at its hottest. At this time, in the absence of precipitation, this plant should be watered about once a week. At other times of the year, this plant often goes without water.

What fertilizer does juniper like

Juniper is good for group planting and soil incorporation with moss, bark or sawdust. In spring, young plants can be fed with mineral fertilizers, highly diluted with water. Juniper responds well to the introduction of superphosphate.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How and where to plant juniper
  2. The soil
  3. Watering
  4. What fertilizer does juniper like