Expert Tips: How to Grow Caladium

15.07.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

Caladium is an interesting herbaceous plant with beautiful and unusual leaves. In the article we will talk about the features of care and cultivation.

Caladium Features

Water the caladium with water at room temperature, moderately, watering is limited in winter. Do not allow water to get on the leaves, as this will cause them to rot. In summer, the plant requires feeding every 2 weeks. Caladium can be grown in a terrarium - such plants in the interior are especially attractive.

What pot is needed for caladium

Having purchased a caladium in a specialized store, provide it with a clay drainage pot 20 cm high and a 15 cm pallet, into which pour 4 cm expanded clay, and on top - soil. Plant the caladium in a pot, sprinkle and press the soil around the plant.

What land is needed for caladium

The best for growing caladium is a mixture of peat, turf, humus and sand in equal proportions. However, it should be noted that growing tubers is difficult. If the soil is too wet, they may rot. For some time after planting, they are not watered.

Watering mode

You need to water the caladium at the same time, with settled water. Strong watering and dry soil pose the same danger to the bush. In spring and summer, the soil should be moistened once a week. In extreme heat, you can water the flower again and spray the leaf plates.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Caladium Features
  2. What pot is needed for caladium
  3. What land is needed for caladium
  4. Watering mode