Expert Tips: How to Grow Limes at Home

16.07.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Lime, like lemon, can be grown at home. In addition, the plant will begin to bear fruit already in the 3rd year of growth.

Features of care

To grow limes at home, it is important to provide good lighting. The tree needs direct sunlight, but can painlessly tolerate their effects only in the autumn-spring period, shading is necessary in summer. A suitable place to place the plant will be an east or west window.

What soil is needed for lime

The soil must be taken for citrus fruits and add 20% of river sand to it, which must be washed. You can also take garden soil and mix it with river sand.

How to plant a lime

A drainage layer is poured at the bottom of the pot. Prepared soil is poured on top. Use a match to make 1 cm indentations in the ground. Seeds should be planted one bone per container, so that after the emergence of seedlings, you do not have to deal with transplantation.

How much lime grows at home

Already in the second third year, a seedling grown from a container will begin to bear fruit. If you are growing a lime from a seed, then expect a harvest from 3-4 years.

Photo: Pixabay

How to water a lime

Watering and humidity. The tree requires abundant watering, its regularity depends on the season: in spring and summer it is watered every other day, in autumn three to four times a week, and in winter once a week (provided that the lime is in a cold wintering). Also, it is necessary to ensure an increased level of humidity in the room.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Features of care
  2. What soil is needed for lime
  3. How to plant a lime
  4. How much lime grows at home
  5. How to water a lime