Expert Tips: How to Grow Mulberries

02.08.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

You can plant a mulberry seedling in open ground in spring in April before the start of sap flow or in autumn in September-October before the onset of the rainy season.

Most gardeners recommend planting a mulberry culture in autumn, as there is an opinion that if a tree survives the winter; it will live for many years.

Where does mulberry like to grow

Like all plants of southern origin, the mulberry loves well-lit sunny places, protected from wind and drafts. She needs soils that are fertile, light, well permeable and always with a neutral or even slightly alkaline reaction (pH 7 - 7.5). The plant does not tolerate close occurrence of groundwater.

How to water mulberries

In order for the mulberry to be more frost-resistant, start watering it from the beginning of spring until July. Water the crop during a severe drought. It is necessary to stop watering from July. In the event that the spring turned out to be rainy, the tree can not be watered.

At what age does mulberry begin to bear fruit

Mulberry comes into fruiting on the 2-3rd year after planting and then bears fruit almost every year. The fruits, depending on the climate and variety, ripen from late June to August.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Where does mulberry like to grow
  2. How to water mulberries
  3. At what age does mulberry begin to bear fruit