Ficus: Growing and Care

20.09.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Since ficus prefer nutritious and airy soil, the most optimal substrate for them will be the following: light turf soil; deciduous soil; heavy turf soil with the addition of river sand and humus.

What size should a ficus pot be

The size of the pot directly depends on the state of development of the plant roots.

The optimal size will be in which they will not reach the walls of the selected container by about two centimeters.

You need to purchase a vessel that is not too large, with a good drainage system.

There is no ideal form of container for growing ficus plants.


Growing from seeds

The soil is not poured into the container to the brim, but 3 cm is left on top.

After sowing, the pot must be covered with film to maintain moisture, ventilating regularly.

The first shoots will appear in two weeks, then they will need to be moved to a lighted place.

You can transplant it into the main pot after 3 months.

Where should the ficus be located in the house

The place for the ficus should be sufficiently lit, but without direct sunlight and drafts. In addition, it’s better not to move the ficus. For example, Benjamina may even shed leaves in a new place.

Is it possible to grow ficus from a leaf

It is advisable to cut the leaf together with the petiole and part of the internode.

Then it is planted immediately in moist soil.

To speed up the rooting process of large-leaved ficuses, the planted leaf is covered with a transparent bag, container, or simply a glass jar.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What size should a ficus pot be
  2. Growing from seeds
  3. Where should the ficus be located in the house
  4. Is it possible to grow ficus from a leaf