Forming the crown: Gardening tips

28.10.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

One of the things you should do to keep your plants healthy and beautiful is to form the crown.

This method helps you minimize risks of various plant diseases, and also increase your harvest.

Here are a few benefits of crown forming you should know about.

Optimal Sunlight and Airflow

Trimming the crown of a tree allows sunlight to penetrate its inner branches and leaves. 

This is essential for photosynthesis, the process by which trees convert sunlight into energy. 

winter tree

When the crown is too dense and overgrown, lower branches can become shaded, leading to reduced growth and overall tree health. 

Proper crown formation ensures that each part of the tree receives the necessary sunlight and airflow, promoting healthier growth.

Dead Branch Removal

Over time, trees naturally shed dead or dying branches. 

By forming the crown, you can proactively identify and remove these weak or dead branches. 

This prevents them from falling on people, structures, or other parts of your garden, reducing safety hazards.

Disease Prevention

Crown pruning helps maintain a balanced and well-ventilated canopy. 

Removing crowded branches in the crown allows for better air circulation and drier conditions, which are less favorable for disease development.

Fruit Production

In the case of fruit trees, crown pruning is crucial for maximizing fruit production. 

By removing excess branches and shaping the crown, you can redirect the tree's energy toward fruit-bearing branches. 

This not only increases the quantity of fruit but can also improve the quality and size of the fruits.


In summary, forming the crown of garden trees is a comprehensive practice that promotes tree health, safety, aesthetics, and productivity. 

It's a valuable aspect of tree care that should be done with knowledge and care to ensure the best results for your garden's trees.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Optimal Sunlight and Airflow
  2. Dead Branch Removal
  3. Disease Prevention
  4. Fruit Production
  5. Conclusion