Gardening Secrets: How to Grow Sunflowers

25.10.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

The best soils for sunflowers are chernozems and fertile loams.

Nevertheless, in the northern regions it is necessary to create an artificial nutrient mixture for them in the garden, otherwise you will not get a strong, healthy plant.

How fast do sunflowers grow

According to the speed of ripening, early ripening (up to 100 days of growth), early ripening (80-85 days), and mid-ripening (110-120 days) varieties are distinguished.

There is also an ultra-early ripening variety that ripens in 71-76 days and can produce two harvests over the summer.

Sunflowers not only absorb moisture from the soil well.


They also perfectly absorb nutrients that are found in deep layers of soil.

As you already understand, sunflowers are greedy in consuming nutrients.

Nevertheless, at the same time, they can get them out of the deep layers of soil.

At the same time, sunflower tolerates almost the least amount of moisture compared to corn or rapeseed.

From this we can conclude that this plant does not affect soil fertility.

Is it possible to grow sunflowers at home

Sunflowers (also known by their Latin name Helianthus) can be grown in a pot.

You need to provide them with a suitable sized container.

Some sunflower varieties grow much larger than others, so check the seed package for height information.

Do I need to water a sunflower

Annual sunflower needs regular watering throughout the growing season.

Starting in spring, you should plan to water this plant about once a week.

As the warm season approaches, watering can increase to two to three times a week.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How fast do sunflowers grow
  2. Is it possible to grow sunflowers at home
  3. Do I need to water a sunflower