Gardening Secrets: How to Grow Tradescantia

24.09.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Narrow and deep pots are not suitable for Tradescantia.

Its roots and above-ground parts grow quite quickly, and therefore the pots should not be narrow.

In addition, containers with a small bottom will be unstable; one awkward movement and the pot will fly down behind the hanging shoots.

How long does Tradescantia live

Each bud lives only one day, and the total flowering period of the crop is 3-4 months, so Tradescantia is a flower that blooms all summer.

Where does Tradescantia like to grow

Tradescantia loves light, especially its variegated types. Solid green ones will grow well in partial shade.


The optimal location of the plant is windows facing east and west.

To protect the leaves from burns, the flower needs to be shaded from direct sunlight.

What kind of land is needed for tradescantia

Tradescantia hanging loves fertilizer; it will not grow well in poor soil, with spindly plants that have no or few flowers.

When grown in a potted plant, perlite with good water permeability and drainage can be selected as a substrate, while sandy loam is also a good choice.

How often should Tradescantia be watered

Tradescantia is watered abundantly, but not too often.

Twice a week will be enough, because the soil should have time to dry out between waterings.

During cold wintering (15-16 degrees), watering is significantly reduced and carried out once every 10 days.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How long does Tradescantia live
  2. Where does Tradescantia like to grow
  3. What kind of land is needed for tradescantia
  4. How often should Tradescantia be watered