Gardening Secrets: How to Grow Zinnias

19.10.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

The seedlings will require watering, several fertilizing, and hardening off before planting in the ground. To form a beautiful bush, pinch the top.

When the cold weather goes away, the seedlings can be sent to the flowerbed.

Zinnia is planted in a flowerbed at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other, the same distance is given between the rows.

Is it possible to grow Zinnia at home

Alternatively, you can grow zinnias at home by starting to plant them about 4-6 weeks before the end of frost.

How to replant zinnias.


If you want to transplant zinnias from trays, note that the soil temperature should be between 21-26°C (70-80°F).

How often should Zinnia be watered

Zinnia graceful needs regular watering throughout the growing season.

Starting in spring, you should plan to water this plant about once a week. As the warm season approaches, watering can increase to two to three times a week.

Is it possible to prune zinnias

Trimming. Pinch the tip above the 3rd or 4th pair of true leaves for a fuller, more compact plant.

Pinching is the removal of the apical growing point, which provokes the appearance of lateral shoots and, as a consequence, tillering.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is it possible to grow Zinnia at home
  2. How often should Zinnia be watered
  3. Is it possible to prune zinnias