Gardening Tips: How to Grow Gatzania

24.08.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Gatsania can also be grown as a perennial crop. To do this, the plant immediately needs to be planted in a pot. With the onset of cold weather, move the container indoors until the next season.

If necessary, in the spring such an overwintered bush can even be divided and several new plants can be obtained.

What does the gazania flower like

It blooms exclusively in the sun, so choose an open, sunny place. Grown from seeds, sowing in March. The flower opens in the morning and closes at sunset.

In order for the gazania to grow well and please with its appearance, it is necessary to choose the right place for planting, namely: sunny and with well-drained soil. This flower is quite thermophilic, but it endures frosts down to minus 5-7 degrees.

This flower needs moderate watering.


Watering gazania

On average once every 10 days. After watering, it is also good to weed the root zone in case of weeds. In rainy times, do not water the gazania at all, protecting it from excess moisture with the help of a waterproof covering material.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What does the gazania flower like
  2. Watering gazania