Growing Secrets: How to Care for Caranthus

24.08.2023 13:05
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Quarantus grows not only near the window, you can put the pot in the center of the room, on the closet or in another place.

What does the catharanthus flower love

As a tropical plant, pink catharanthus loves slightly acidic soil, which means that alkaline soil should be avoided. If the soil is too alkaline, its roots will not grow well and the leaves will turn yellow, causing the plant to be thin and weak. In severe cases, the plant will not be able to bloom and may even die.

How to grow a catharanthus

Quaranthus is very thermophilic, it does not tolerate prolonged rains, especially at low temperatures, and dies at +5 ° C. For this reason, it is better to grow it in some kind of containers or flowerpots so that it is possible to hide the catharanthus from bad weather. It does best as a houseplant.

How to care for Quaranthus at home

The plant needs frequent and regular watering. For lush flowering, high humidity is required both inside the pot and outside.

When the humidity of the house is below 60%, you need to put a cup of water near the pot and regularly spray the catharanthus. In doing so, precautions must be taken.


Do I need to trim the catharanthus

Since this flower is characterized by rapid growth, it must be cut off.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What does the catharanthus flower love
  2. How to grow a catharanthus
  3. How to care for Quaranthus at home
  4. Do I need to trim the catharanthus