Helenium: Growing and Care

26.11.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

It is necessary to plant heleniums in open ground at the end of spring, otherwise frosts on the soil cover will harm the plants.

The flowers are light-loving, but at the same time shade-tolerant.

They don’t like stagnant moisture, so good drainage is a must when planting.

When does helenium bloom

Heleniums are variegated ornamental garden plants, the peak of flowering of which occurs in the second half of August, that is, at the time when most crops are already beginning to prepare for the dormant period and lose their expressiveness.

Helenium bushes are lush, consisting of vertical shoots and narrow long leaves.


Location and soil

It is necessary to plant heleniums in open ground at the end of spring, otherwise frosts on the soil cover will harm the plants.

The flowers are light-loving, but at the same time shade-tolerant.

They don’t like stagnant moisture, so good drainage is a must when planting.

What does helenium like

The leaves grow one after another, the inflorescences are shaped like baskets, the flowers are often different in tone - yellow, orange, purple, brown. Seeds are cylindrical.

Heleniums love good, fertilized soil, moist and neutral in acidity.

Sunlight is very important for them; areas in the shade are not for helenium.

When can Gelenium be replanted

At the end of April, carefully dig up a mature helenium bush.

Using a disinfected knife, cut the root system into 2-3 parts, treat the cuts with crushed coal and replant them in prepared areas (it is good to put rotted compost at the bottom of the holes), without deepening the root collars.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. When does helenium bloom
  2. Location and soil
  3. What does helenium like
  4. When can Gelenium be replanted