Houseplants: How to Grow Spathiphyllum

19.09.2023 13:06
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

The plant can be grown in partial shade. However, spathiphyllum will not develop normally either in bright sun or in complete shade.

In addition, protect the plant from all types of drafts all year round.

In which pot should spathiphyllum grow

You need to take a pot with a slightly larger diameter than the old one.

However, spathiphyllum will not bloom in a pot that is too large, so its roots should be in a slightly cramped space.

Place a layer of expanded clay 2 cm high on the bottom of the pot.


Sprinkle a little earth on top of the expanded clay.

How to grow lush spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum requires high air humidity, so in spring and summer it is useful to spray the plant frequently or simply wipe the leaves with a damp sponge, and in winter it is better to keep the flowerpot on a tray with wet pebbles or expanded clay.

The resting period of spathiphyllum lasts from October to January.

How many times should you water spathiphyllum

In general, you need to water abundantly flowering spathiphyllum in spring and autumn no more than once every 3 days.

Water evaporation in spring and autumn occurs relatively slowly: in spring – once every two days, in winter – once every 5-7 days.

Due to the slow evaporation of water in winter, excess water will cause root rot and yellowing of leaves.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. In which pot should spathiphyllum grow
  2. How to grow lush spathiphyllum
  3. How many times should you water spathiphyllum