How to germminate a tangerine seed at home: you don’t have to be a gardener - anyone can do it

10.03.2024 00:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

It is quite possible to grow a tangerine at home from a seed.

If you act correctly, the tree will bear fruit in 5–6 years.

How to grow a tangerine from a seed

Be sure to put drainage at the bottom - gravel or expanded clay.

The bones can be pre-soaked. Take 10–15 pieces.

Plant the seeds in the soil to a depth of about 2-3 cm.


Bury the grain and water the ground with settled water.

Then cover the pot with film and place it in a warm place.

Don't forget to ventilate your homemade greenhouse every day.

To do this, open the film for 10-15 minutes.

In addition, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil and water the tangerine as the soil dries out.

Watering should be moderate.

To increase the chances of germination, stock up on at least five seeds.

How to water a tangerine correctly

The tangerine tree loves high humidity. Therefore, in summer the plant needs to be watered daily and abundantly, in winter – every other day.

The leaves regularly need to be sprayed or wiped with a damp cloth.

In addition, monitor the humidity level in the room, it should be high.

Previously, we talked about how to increase the size of your harvest.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to grow a tangerine from a seed
  2. How to water a tangerine correctly