How hares can damage your garden: Protect your trees and crops

30.06.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Gardeners are well-aware of pests and birds that can damage their gardens, but there are more things that can ruin your plants.

Hares seem sweet, but they can create lots of damage, especially when you do nothing to protect your garden.

Here are a few examples of how hares can damage the plants.

Feeding on plants

Hares are herbivores and may feed on a variety of plants in your garden. 

They tend to target tender shoots, leaves, and young plants. 


This can result in significant damage to your vegetables, flowers, and other vegetation.

Browsing on tree bark

Hares may also chew on the bark of young trees and shrubs, especially during the winter, when other food sources are scarce. 

This can disrupt the flow of nutrients and water to the plants, potentially leading to stunted growth or even death.

Digging and burrowing

Hares may create shallow scrapes or small holes in your garden beds or lawn while digging for food or creating their burrows. 

This can disturb the soil, uproot plants, and create an unsightly appearance in your garden.

Trampling and nest destruction

Hares are active animals that may run through your garden, trampling delicate plants in the process. 

They may also inadvertently damage nests or birdhouses, causing disruption to bird populations in your garden.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Feeding on plants
  2. Browsing on tree bark
  3. Digging and burrowing
  4. Trampling and nest destruction