Lilies: Growing and Care

17.10.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

These flowers take root well in a new place.

The best time to plant lily bulbs in the spring is late April - early May (depending on the climate of your region).

It is best to plant and replant lilies in the fall in late September - early October.

How to plant

Lilies are planted in early spring, as soon as the ground thaws to the point of a spade, or in August-September.

Planting depth – 3 times the height of the bulb (approximately 15-20 cm).


Before putting lilies in the ground, they need to be etched in a solution of the drug Maxim or in a lilac solution of potassium permanganate in order to prevent diseases.

What conditions do lilies like

Lilies grow well in loose, fertile, well-drained soils.

Light-loving Tubular lily hybrids, Candidum lilies, as well as Martagon lilies, which prefer partial shade, require slightly alkaline or close to neutral soil.

Lily loves loose, breathable and fertile soils.

The place should be lightly shaded. In the shade, lilies grow and bloom sparingly, but the scorching sun is also destructive for thick and juicy leaves - they can burn.

Lily loves moisture, but cannot tolerate stagnant water.

During the germination period, the plant requires a strict watering regime.

After germination, you can water less often, but not during drought.

Water the plants after fertilizing and changing the soil composition.

Ensure soil drainage during rainy periods.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to plant
  2. What conditions do lilies like