Morning Glory: How to Grow

22.01.2024 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Ipomoea ivy loves the sun very much. However, they can wilt when exposed to excessive heat and ultraviolet light during the extreme summer months, so be careful.

You may want to cover them with green-tinted netting, especially in the summer, to prevent leaves and flowers from falling off.

How to grow morning glory correctly

The fragile inflorescences and stems of the plant can be damaged by the wind, so it is advisable to sow the seeds in places protected from drafts.

Morning glory grows well in slightly acidic, moisture-resistant, well-drained soils.

Optimal composition for seedlings: peat, sand, disinfected garden soil.


How to plant morning glory flowers

Young shoots of the vine are replanted with an earthen ball using the transshipment method.

Be sure to install a good support along which the vine can stretch upward.

The distance between plantings is approximately 20 cm.

In the southern regions, seeds are planted immediately in open ground, ignoring the preparation of seedlings.

How often to water Morning Glory

Watering. Water morning glory with settled water at the rate of half a bucket per plant 3 times a week.

In rainy summers, reduce watering by half.

Morning glory purpurea prefers moist soil.

It is generally believed that if the surface of the soil is dry, it is time to water.

Water only until the soil can absorb water.

Previously, we told you how to grow lavatera.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to grow morning glory correctly
  2. How to plant morning glory flowers
  3. How often to water Morning Glory