Myrtle: Secrets of Growing

26.11.2023 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

The tree loves organic fertilizers in the soil.

For planting or replanting/transferring, a mixture is used that combines sand, peat, turf, a little clay, and humus.

The plant needs an open space, but constant direct rays are harmful to it.

The light should be diffused.

Caring for an indoor flower Myrtle vulgare

Lighting for this tree should be diffused. Myrtle loves the sun, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.


In summer it can be placed on the balcony or in the garden.

Favorable temperature is from +18 to +20 degrees.

It loves high air humidity, so it should be sprayed with settled water.

Watering should be regular, but moderate, not excessive.

The crown can be easily given any desired shape; the plant tolerates pruning well.

You should not expect flowering in the first year.

How to stimulate myrtle growth

It is usually fertilized with complex fertilizers for flowering crops.

During the period of active growth, myrtle is watered with liquid fertilizers once a week; during the flowering period, many plant lovers either stop feeding or reduce it by half.

Should myrtle be pruned

Myrtle is one of the plants that requires pruning. It is best to engage in crown formation in the spring.

The most common shape is a ball, but you can trim the shoots to your liking to achieve the desired shape.

Use a sharp, disinfected tool and do not carry out large-scale pruning more than 2 times a season.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Caring for an indoor flower Myrtle vulgare
  2. How to stimulate myrtle growth
  3. Should myrtle be pruned