Plant illnesses that are hard to cure: Gardening insights

30.09.2023 17:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Garden plants often get sick - and some illnesses are harder to get rid of than others.

In many cases, you have to get rid of plenty of trees and burn them just to stop it from spreading further.

Let's find out more.

Viral Diseases

These are caused by tiny viruses that can't be treated with antibiotics or other medicines. 

Once a plant gets infected, it's tough to cure, and you often need to remove the infected plant to prevent it from spreading.

sick apple

Fungal Diseases

Fungi are like tiny plants that can infect your plants. 

They can be hard to get rid of because they often live in the soil and can keep coming back even after treatment.

Bacterial Diseases

Bacteria can cause diseases in plants, and like viruses, they can be challenging to treat. 

You might need to remove and destroy infected plants to stop the spread.

Persistent Pests

Some insects and other pests can be really stubborn and keep attacking your plants even after you've tried to get rid of them. 

They might require ongoing efforts to control.

Soil-Borne Diseases

Diseases that live in the soil can be tricky because they affect the plant's roots, making it hard to treat. 

Crop rotation and soil sterilization are sometimes needed to combat these illnesses.

Incurable Diseases

Some plant diseases simply don't have a cure. 

Once a plant gets infected, it's a goner, and the best you can do is prevent it from spreading to other plants.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Viral Diseases
  2. Fungal Diseases
  3. Bacterial Diseases
  4. Persistent Pests
  5. Soil-Borne Diseases
  6. Incurable Diseases