Protecting garden plants from pets: Gardening tips

09.12.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Beautiful garden flowers can be quite delicate, so you have to protect them from pests, diseases, and also your pets.

Dogs or cats can accidentally break or chew your plants, so all your hard work will be gone in a moment.

Here are a few tips that can help you protect your flowers.

Fence it In

Create a barrier around your garden using fencing. 

Make sure the fence is sturdy and tall enough to prevent pets from jumping over or digging underneath. 

pomeranian spitz

This physical barrier helps keep pets away from the plants.

Pet-Friendly Plants

Choose plants that are less appealing to pets. Some plants have scents or tastes that deter animals. 

Research and select greenery that is less likely to attract your pets' attention.


Train your pets to stay away from the garden. 

Use verbal commands, positive reinforcement, or deterrents like pet-safe sprays to discourage them from approaching the plants. 

Consistent training helps them understand boundaries.

Create Designated Pet Areas

Designate a specific area in your yard for your pets to play. This can divert their attention away from the garden. 

Use toys and comfortable spots in their play area to make it appealing.

Use Pet Repellents

Apply pet-friendly repellents to your plants. These are substances that have scents or tastes that pets don't like. 

Follow product instructions carefully to ensure they are safe for both your plants and pets.

Use Garden Accessories

Place obstacles or accessories in the garden that pets find unappealing. For example, large rocks or thorny bushes can act as deterrents. 

Be cautious not to include anything harmful to your pets.

Avoid Harmful Substances

Ensure that any substances, such as fertilizers or pesticides, used in the garden are pet-safe. 

Some chemicals can be toxic to animals, so choose products that won't harm your furry friends.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Fence it In
  2. Pet-Friendly Plants
  3. Training
  4. Create Designated Pet Areas
  5. Use Pet Repellents
  6. Use Garden Accessories
  7. Avoid Harmful Substances