Purslane: Growing and Care

30.10.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Purslane grandiflora has become particularly popular as an ornamental container plant - its short height and bright, medium-sized flowers make it ideal for growing in outdoor vases, balcony boxes and hanging baskets.

How to grow purslane from seeds at home

For seedlings, seeds are sown superficially, watered moderately, covered with film or glass, at a temperature of 23 degrees.

Sprouts appear after 5-14 days. Grown seedlings dive into containers or open ground. Seedlings are planted in May and early June.

What does purslane like

Purslane loves the sun so much that at the first appearance of shade (for example, on a cloudy day) it can close its buds.

Nevertheless, you can plant terry purslane, which only falls asleep at night.


Purslane grandiflora is popular in ornamental gardening.

This is an annual herbaceous plant with creeping stems.

Is it possible to prune purslane

If you don't want purslane to spread throughout your garden, there are ways to control its growth: Regular pruning: Purslane can be pruned to prevent it from flowering and seeding.

This will help reduce the likelihood of the plant self-seeding and spreading.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to grow purslane from seeds at home
  2. What does purslane like
  3. Is it possible to prune purslane