Rapis: How to Grow

18.09.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Rapis is a houseplant similar to the bamboo palm. The pot should be wide and shallow to prevent the soil from souring.

Watering and humidity

Here it is important to stick to the golden mean, when the substrate in the pot is constantly moist, but not so waterlogged as to harm the roots.

In summer, rapis should be watered once every 3 days, in winter much less often - once every 10 days. Humidity is not important for this type of palm tree.

The place for placing the pot with rapis should be well lit. In summer, it is recommended to expose rapis to the open air.

How does Rapis reproduce

Rapis is one of the few palm trees that can be propagated vegetatively. This is done by dividing the rhizome.


The cut areas must be disinfected with crushed charcoal. It is also useful to add it to the substrate.

Fertilizers for rapeseed

For this plant, a standard feeding frequency of once every 2-3 weeks is sufficient.

Rapis prefers complex fertilizers with microelements, designed specifically for ornamental deciduous plants, but you can also use special fertilizer mixtures for palm trees.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Watering and humidity
  2. How does Rapis reproduce
  3. Fertilizers for rapeseed