Saxifraga: How to Grow

13.01.2024 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Under natural conditions, Saxifraga grows in rock crevices, on rocky embankments; it can also be found in ravines and at the bottom of slopes.

The soil in such places is quite poor, so the roots are poorly developed, almost fibrous, sometimes several roots extend from them.

When is the best time to sow Saxifraga

The height of the flower can reach 15 cm, and saxifrage pleases with its beauty from July to August.

Experts advise sowing seeds before winter or mandatory seed stratification in the spring.

Sprouts may appear 4-5 weeks after sowing in open ground.


How to water

Water the saxifrage twice a week, in the morning, under the root along the edge of the hole, so as not to wash away the soil above the roots.

Do not allow the soil to dry out too much, otherwise the plant may die.

In hot summers, additional spraying of saxifrage twice a day will also help.

Do I need to prune Saxifraga

Pruning of saxifrage is carried out only after the plant has flowered.

Usually the old rosette is cut off and then new leaves appear in its place.

How to care for a saxifrage plant

Firstly, watering should be moderate. Water the plant only when necessary, that is, as the soil dries out.

If the condition of the saxifrage plant does not satisfy you, introduce monthly fertilizing, for which complete mineral fertilizer is used.

Previously, we talked about how to grow gaillardia.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. When is the best time to sow Saxifraga
  2. How to water
  3. Do I need to prune Saxifraga
  4. How to care for a saxifrage plant