Schlumberger: How to Grow

29.01.2024 16:03
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Schlumbergera should be planted in a wide, shallow pot.

At the bottom of the container it is necessary to lay a layer of drainage: expanded clay, brick or charcoal.

How to plant Schlumberger correctly

To propagate a plant in this way, you need to separate a cutting with 2-3 segments from an adult Schlumbergera, dry it for two days before planting, and then add it to the prepared moist soil.

Place in the shade, cover with film, a jar or plastic bottle on top, but ventilate regularly.

You should also remember that this indoor plant simply does not like direct sunlight, unlike its brothers - cacti.


It is better to place Schlumberger in the shade in the summer, and in partial shade the rest of the year, while providing light and air intake.

How to care for a Schlumbergera plant

Spray water around the plant to cool it down if temperatures get too high, but be careful not to let the water get into or evaporate on the stem.

Also, avoid water accumulation in the soil. In winter, water it as little as possible or not at all, and fertilizers should be completely avoided.

Previously, we told you how to grow blackberries.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to plant Schlumberger correctly
  2. How to care for a Schlumbergera plant