Strelitzia: Growing and Care

14.11.2023 14:17
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

To grow Strelitzia indoors, you should select pots for replanting that are 5-10 cm larger than those for transport.

How to plant strelitzia seeds correctly

Before planting, soak the seeds in warm water for a day.

After this, place each in a glass with moistened soil and cover with glass or a cut plastic bottle.

Germination is carried out at a temperature of +22 – +25 degrees. Shoots do not appear soon: within 2-6 months.

To increase the likelihood of flowering, with the onset of a warm period, the plant can be sent to the garden in fresh air.


You can also further stimulate it with fertilizers and growth stimulants.

What needs to be done to make Strelitzia bloom

To make Strelitzia bloom at home, it cannot be replanted frequently.

For successful development, the flower needs a tall but narrow pot. Strelitzia blooms in crowded conditions.

However, you need to remember that if the roots of the flower are very cramped in the pot, the Strelitzia leaves are expelled, deformed, they turn yellow and curl.

Is it possible to trim the leaves of Strelitzia

You can prune both Strelitzia Nicolai and Strelitzia Reginae.

If you are going to prune Strelitzia, use pruning shears to trim the leaves as low as possible from the trunk.

The best time to prune Bird of Paradise is in the spring because it gets warmer and the Strelitzia has more energy to regenerate.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to plant strelitzia seeds correctly
  2. What needs to be done to make Strelitzia bloom
  3. Is it possible to trim the leaves of Strelitzia